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Objective list

S.No Project Name Objective Indicator Name
51 Actions for Sustainable Livelihood and Increased Income (ASLII) 02. Promoting a Dairy enterprise to facilitate quality inputs, product enhancement, allied enterprises to increase the income of dairy farmers.  03. Dairy product processing like packaged curd, ghee, khoya etc. in climate smart framework.
52 Actions for Sustainable Livelihood and Increased Income (ASLII) 03. Establishing Common Facility Centre having end to end solutions for product development and marketing to reduce the input cost and increase the marketability of the Carpet Weaver’s Producer’s Organisation 01. One Common Facility Centre established with clear management and sustainability responsibilities.
53 Actions for Sustainable Livelihood and Increased Income (ASLII) 03. Establishing Common Facility Centre having end to end solutions for product development and marketing to reduce the input cost and increase the marketability of the Carpet Weaver’s Producer’s Organisation 02. Carpet weavers associated with Carpet Weavers Producers Organisation is availing end to end solutions for product manufacturing and product finishing
54 Actions for Sustainable Livelihood and Increased Income (ASLII) 03. Establishing Common Facility Centre having end to end solutions for product development and marketing to reduce the input cost and increase the marketability of the Carpet Weaver’s Producer’s Organisation 03. Increased profitability of carpet weavers by 30% and reduction of processing costs by atleast 25%
55 Actions for Sustainable Livelihood and Increased Income (ASLII) 02. Promoting a Dairy enterprise to facilitate quality inputs, product enhancement, allied enterprises to increase the income of dairy farmers.  4. Integration of atleast 200 youth in the supply chain thus reducing the unemployment and creating multiplier effect. 
56 Youth Initiative for Leadership building and Development in Delhi 1. Young Leaders from urban marginalized communities are reaching out to their own community youth for realizing their social responsibilities and promoting community values (social inclusion, dignity, questioning the norm of masculinities, protection of environment 1. Cohort of 20 Youth rights advocates across Delhi to facilitate at least 5000 diverse Youth Volunteers in span of 3 years on small Youth led actions to promote social values in the state of Delhi.
57 Youth Initiative for Leadership building and Development in Delhi 2. Youth leaders are facilitating youth participation and civic engagement at all levels of urban governance 2. 500 Youth social change agents are working actively with civic bodies in their own areas on pro-poor development issues.
58 BUILDING CAPACITIES OF WORKER COLLECTIVES, CSOS TOWARDS COLLECTIVE RESILIENCE OF INFORMAL WORKERS 01. Strengthen the capacities of 160 worker collectives and CBOs by 32 enabled Shramik Mitras (literally – worker friend) as Social Change Agents (SCA) to facilitate Shramik (informal workers, migrant workers) to access their social security – entitlements, legal and social protection in the local, with CSO networks at state and national level effectively cooperating with the agencies to mainstream, promote the informal worker social security for socio – economic security and inclusive policies in the post COVID 19 scenario. Indicator 1 – 32 shramik mitras (social change agents) and 160 cadre of young worker volunteers support access to entitlements and services, livelihood protection, regulation, and inclusion of 32000 informal worker, migrant worker and marginal groups through 16 Worker Resource Centers (WRCs) & 8 Shramik (Worker) Action Teams (SATs) in the 8 cities.
59 BUILDING CAPACITIES OF WORKER COLLECTIVES, CSOS TOWARDS COLLECTIVE RESILIENCE OF INFORMAL WORKERS 02. Promote 40 informal workers collectives (out of 160 CBOs) and 8 worker membership-based organisations (MBOs) in the select cities as self-reliant, and resilient livelihood collectives that are community run and managed by securing access to upskilling, livelihood schemes, economic policies, and worker recognition in cities to ensure resilience for future socio-economic-health crisis. Indicator 02 – 80 CSOs & 10 government departments, 10 private entities and supported by National level CSO learning-sharing meetings form networks that actively engage at the city & state level with agencies to mainstream, promote the informal worker social security for socio – economic security and inclusive policies in the post COVID 19 scenario.
60 BUILDING CAPACITIES OF WORKER COLLECTIVES, CSOS TOWARDS COLLECTIVE RESILIENCE OF INFORMAL WORKERS 02. Promote 40 informal workers collectives (out of 160 CBOs) and 8 worker membership-based organisations (MBOs) in the select cities as self-reliant, and resilient livelihood collectives that are community run and managed by securing access to upskilling, livelihood schemes, economic policies, and worker recognition in cities to ensure resilience for future socio-economic-health crisis. Indicator 03 - 160 number of local worker collectives and worker communities are capacitated to improve wages, welfare benefits, working conditions with community preparedness for emergencies and threats; 40 Number of worker communities emerge as self-sufficient, resilient, and sustainable livelihood collective units improving social security and upskilling for workers.
61 BUILDING CAPACITIES OF WORKER COLLECTIVES, CSOS TOWARDS COLLECTIVE RESILIENCE OF INFORMAL WORKERS 02. Promote 40 informal workers collectives (out of 160 CBOs) and 8 worker membership-based organisations (MBOs) in the select cities as self-reliant, and resilient livelihood collectives that are community run and managed by securing access to upskilling, livelihood schemes, economic policies, and worker recognition in cities to ensure resilience for future socio-economic-health crisis. Indicator 04 - 8 worker federations are formed/strengthened as membership-based organizations that engage with state agencies for social security to legal and social protection, to livelihoods social security, financial services, to resources, land, and urban space.
62 BUILDING CAPACITIES OF WORKER COLLECTIVES, CSOS TOWARDS COLLECTIVE RESILIENCE OF INFORMAL WORKERS 02. Promote 40 informal workers collectives (out of 160 CBOs) and 8 worker membership-based organisations (MBOs) in the select cities as self-reliant, and resilient livelihood collectives that are community run and managed by securing access to upskilling, livelihood schemes, economic policies, and worker recognition in cities to ensure resilience for future socio-economic-health crisis. Indicator 03 . 160 number of local worker collectives and worker communities are capacitated to improve wages, welfare benefits, working conditions with community preparedness for emergencies and threats; 40 Number of worker communities emerge as self-sufficient, resilient, and sustainable livelihood collective units improving social security and upskilling for workers.
63 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 1 - To promote sustainable and resilient community having capacity to adapt the adverse effects of climate extreme events and disasters Indicator 1 - 2actions taken up by Community to reduce the risk of Climate Change impact.
64 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 1 - To promote sustainable and resilient community having capacity to adapt the adverse effects of climate extreme events and disasters Indicator 2 - One action taken up by community to reduce the risk of water induce hazards.
65 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 1 - To promote sustainable and resilient community having capacity to adapt the adverse effects of climate extreme events and disasters Indicator 3 - 1000 vulnerable community members demonstrate increased skills and understanding on DRR and CCA preparedness and mitigation measures
66 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 2 - To promote climate adaptive livelihood and diverse livelihood options of vulnerable communities for food and income securities Indicator 1 - 50 marginalized families have started climate adaptive low-cost cultivation
67 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 2 - To promote climate adaptive livelihood and diverse livelihood options of vulnerable communities for food and income securities Indicator 2- 50 marginalized families have started alternative livelihood options
68 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 2 - To promote climate adaptive livelihood and diverse livelihood options of vulnerable communities for food and income securities Indicator 3 - 100 marginalized families have started diversified livelihood options
69 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 3 - Strengthened and sustain convergences with local, district, and state to plan and execute robust climate and DRR inclusive community development plan Indicator 1 - 24 Villages developed CCA and DRR plan for implementation.
70 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 3 - Strengthened and sustain convergences with local, district, and state to plan and execute robust climate and DRR inclusive community development plan Indicator 2 - 5 joint initiatives taken to enhance coordination between the government and other key stakeholders at the district/block level
71 Capacity Building for Community Resilience to Multiple Hazard risks in Odisha and Assam (Assam) Objective 3 - Strengthened and sustain convergences with local, district, and state to plan and execute robust climate and DRR inclusive community development plan Indicator 3 - 24 local body members have skills and knowledge on DRR and CCA inclusive planning
72 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 1 - Communities have climate smart and diversified sustainable livelihood. 01. 400 numbers of farmers from 15 project Villages who have adopted diversified and climate smart livelihood practices increased their income by 20% and keep it above 20,000 INR all the project long.
73 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 1 - Communities have climate smart and diversified sustainable livelihood. 02. By end of the project additionally 200 farmers from the local communities have adopted at least 3 new crops practices more resistant to multiple hazards (flood tolerant, heat tolerant and cold tolerant)
74 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 1 - Communities have climate smart and diversified sustainable livelihood. 03. By the end of the project additionally 200 numbers of farmers from the local communities have adopted at least 4 different methods /techniques of sustainable agriculture practices
75 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 1 - Communities have climate smart and diversified sustainable livelihood. 04. By end of the project additionally 150 numbers of men, women, youth (boys and girls) of the local communities adopted at least one additional livelihood practice (both farm and non-farm)
76 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 05. By end of the project 30 no of development programmes implemented with CCA&DRR integrated by communities
77 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 06. By end of the project additionally 30 No of DRR, CCA, Development plans incorporated in the Gram Panchayat Development Plan
78 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 07. By end of the project additionally 15 No of DRR and CCA plans and development  plan submitted to the district administration
79 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 08. By end of the project 15 no of Development programmes implemented with CCA & DRR integrated by local authorities /line department
80 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 09. By the end of the project 15 no of CBOs take at least 3 actions or initiatives on climate change resilient measures for sustainable development
81 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 10. 15 CBOs have regular (quarterly) engagement with line departments, PRI, and technical institutions to access information
82 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 11. 15 CBOs give recommendations and suggestions to the community members on a monthly basis.
83 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 12. 15 CBO’s disseminated weather forecast report and give suggestions and recommendation to the farmers
84 Empowering flood affected rural communities for sustainable livelihood in lakhimpur and Dhemaji district of Assam (2022/2025) Objective 2 - Community-based Institutions implement CCA and DRR integrated development programmes, in collaboration with NGOs, GP and district authorities 13. By end of the project additionally 150 families have access to welfare schemes
85 Promoting Positive Youth Development - 1016 01. Strengthened capacity of youth to address their own development challenges and leverage opportunities available to them Indicator01. 2000 youth have increased ability to plan and set goals for their academic and vocational career
86 Promoting Positive Youth Development - 1016 01. Strengthened capacity of youth to address their own development challenges and leverage opportunities available to them Indicator 02. 5000 targetted youth have essential life skills and increased interpersonal skills to navigate challenges.
87 Promoting Positive Youth Development - 1016 02. Enhanced Youth civic engagement that enrich the lives of youth and are socially and ecologically beneficial to the copmmunity Indicator 03. 2500 youth have knowledge of civic skills and increased opportunities, capacities and conducive environment to make positive changes in their communities.
88 Promoting Positive Youth Development - 1016 02. Enhanced Youth civic engagement that enrich the lives of youth and are socially and ecologically beneficial to the copmmunity Indicator 04. Community members report an increased perception of the contribution of young people to solve local development and environmental problems.
89 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 1: Flood and cyclone risks are addressed by 80% families in the project villages through mangrove replenishment strategy. Indicator1: X number of families participated in village mangrove replenishment initiatives
90 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 1: Flood and cyclone risks are addressed by 80% families in the project villages through mangrove replenishment strategy. Indicator 2: X number of families undertaken HH level initiatives for safe- guarding mangrove trees
91 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 1: Flood and cyclone risks are addressed by 80% families in the project villages through mangrove replenishment strategy. Indicator 3: X number of families are aware on community level initiatives undertaken in the village for coastal mangrove replenishment
92 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 1: Flood and cyclone risks are addressed by 80% families in the project villages through mangrove replenishment strategy. Idicator 4: X Number of families are sensitized on mangrove benefits
93 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 1: Flood and cyclone risks are addressed by 80% families in the project villages through mangrove replenishment strategy. Indicator 5: X number of families are able to identify their vulnerabilities aligning mangrove
94 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 1: Flood and cyclone risks are addressed by 80% families in the project villages through mangrove replenishment strategy. Indicator 6: X Number of families attended the meeting/ workshop with local duty bearers on Mangrove
95 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 2: 1.3 million quintal carbon sequestration from project coastal mangrove replenishment zone in three years to decarbonize atmosphere Indicator 7: X number of families are taking initiatives to measure the units of carbon stored in coastal mangrove replenishment zone
96 Mangrove Replenishment, a way to cosatal resiliency Objective 2: 1.3 million quintal carbon sequestration from project coastal mangrove replenishment zone in three years to decarbonize atmosphere Indicator 8: X number of families are using smokeless cooking stove to minimize fuel wood requirement
97 Increasing Access to Safe WASH Practcies Objective 1: Improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation practiceso strengthen convergences with local institutions and administration 01. No of Households have piped water supply.
98 Increasing Access to Safe WASH Practcies Objective 1: Improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation practiceso strengthen convergences with local institutions and administration 02. No of resilient toilets cum bathroom will be constructed.
99 Increasing Access to Safe WASH Practcies Objective 1: Improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation practiceso strengthen convergences with local institutions and administration 03. School toilets and urinals will be repaired for use by the children
100 Increasing Access to Safe WASH Practcies Objective 1: Improved access to safe drinking water and sanitation practiceso strengthen convergences with local institutions and administration 04. WASH committees have formed and functioning effectively
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